June 24-28, 2024: 3rd Multidisciplinary training workshop
Agenda (pdf)
Day 1
Welcome and Introduction to exercises (pdf)
Day 5
Summary of the Table-top exercises (pdf)
WGS-based surveillance as a paradigm shift in outbreak detection, AMR monitoring and source attribution in Campylobacter spp. in Portugal (pdf)
Salmonella Strathcona outbreak investigation and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Salmonella spp. isolates from 2000-2022 in Austria (pdf)
Data sharing, events, clusters and cut-offs (pdf)
March 12-13, 2024: Physical training workshop
Day 1
Welcome, agenda for the workshop (pdf)
Instructions for the networking exercise (pdf)
How to prepare and share reference documents, materials and data (pdf)
Practical strategies and examples for courses, exercises and workshops (pdf)
Real-life example of building a sentinel surveillance network in Denmark (pdf)
Italy_Mapping results and outcome (pdf)
Moldova_Mapping results and outcme (pdf)
Romania_Mapping results and outcome (pdf)
Serbia_Mapping results and outcome (pdf)
How to prepare and share big data (pdf)
Data management and ISO standards (pdf)
Day 2
Welcome, agenda for the day and re-cap of day 1 (pdf)
Introduction to the pilot projects and introduction to the exercise (pdf)
Estonia_Pilot study (pdf)
Slovakia_Pilot study (pdf)
Lithuania_Pilot study (pdf)
Presentation on pedagogical methods (pdf)
March 1, 2024: Webinar on EQA2-WGS-AMR and RingTrial2-WGS-AMR
Presentation (pdf)