November 30 2021, Network meeting online

First network meeting with the aim of facilitating exchange of information and good practice between the participating national reference laboratories. Planned activities of the project was presented and discussed.

The 2-day meeting was due to covid-19 an online meeting, where two representatives from each country as well as representatives from relevant EURLs in the food safety area were invited.


Presentations Day 1:

Presentations Day 2:

September 7 2021, Welcome online meeting

A general introduction to the project and introduction to a capacity survey to be conducted in September 2021 among all participating laboratories.

Online meeting for representatives from all laboratories in the FWD AMR-RefLabCap network. Invitations were sent to the listed contact emails on 25 August 2021.

Presentation - FWD AMR-RefLabCap,
Food- and Waterborne Diseases Antimicrobial Resistance – Reference Laboratory Capacity